Unfasten App - Privacy Policy

What information is collected?

The app collects each user's name and email on authentication. The authentication provider may also provide a profile pic and phone number.

The app also collects a user's history of fasts.

Where information is collected from?

User name, email, picture, and phone number are provided when the user logs in.

Users provide their fasting history while using the app.

Why information is collected?

Name and profile pic are used to give the app a personalized feel. Email and phone number are used when searching for other users to share fasting status.

Fasting history is the main purpose of the app.

How information is collected (including through cookies and other tracking technologies)?

We also collect generic analytics. We web version may use cookies for authentication.

Who information is shared with or sold to?

No information is ever sold by unfasten.app.

What rights users have over their data?

The above collected data is in visible in the app. A user may delete their account at any time, and all data will be deleted.

The site's contact details

Please submit questions to contact@unfasten.app